Thursday, October 30, 2008

Some things I'm learning

I know I'm stubborn, it's really not always a bad thing. There are times when it's really paid off to be stubborn. But there are also times when stubbornness and pride run together and then it causes problem in my heart. I wish it were easy to just let go of that ego part of me. At least I think it's easier for me then some other people. Thank God! I'm not sure why I'm even rambling about this right now, but I just felt like it.
I feel that because of my dealing with a "chronic illness" it has really helped me learn to appreciate things more. And it has also made me think a lot about the definition of happiness. The funny thing is that everyone has a different and unique expression, desire, definition and vision of how happiness looks for them. I think people's definition of happiness is a fluid idea that tends to change over time, so I don't quite yet know what it is for me, but I'm working on finding that one out. I know for sure that happiness for me is NOT money, or fancy things, or expensive jewelry, or a big house, or a nice car, or a fat bank account.
I suppose it's easier to list things that make you happy, and then you're a little closer to figuring out what happiness is for you. And the neat thing is that when you find what makes you happy, you also find your priorities in life. Isn't that how it should be?
I'm happy when......
I spend creative time with my kids
I read a good book
I go on a hike outside with family or friends
I spend time with my family
eat popcorn on the hide-a-bed cuddled up with my kids
I read to my kids and they don't want me to stop
I stop thinking about what has to be done and I just play
I go sledding on a good hill covered with good snow
Ok, I started this post with something about me being stubborn, and I totally got sidetracked. Oh, well. Anyways, I think through all this "stuff" (which right now is serving as a nicer word then shit) I've been dealing with, I think I'm becoming less stubborn.
Pain up-date today: mild joint pain throughout my whole body, and moderate muscle pain in my hands, arms, shoulders, jaw, and hamstrings.

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