Thursday, October 2, 2008

I call this one "A Message from God" 9/26/08

Ok, I'm taking a risk here, letting you know some personal information about me. It's part of my challenge to be more open and sharing. I was a bit nervous about posting the next two things, but as I prayed about it on the paper and asked if I should be sharing it, the answer was "yes". I was to be as transparent as possible, so nothing is hidden. After all our lives are meant to be shared, if we aren't open and honest then how will others be touched or encouraged by us? Thanks again for going through this (dealing with fibromyalgia, which has changed my life) with me.

Ok, so the prelude to this writing is that in the past I have had wonderful words from God and visions after meditating on his words and seeking His guidance. On the day I wrote this I was waiting for a vision because that's just how it normally happens for me. Well, during my prayer time I was "waiting" and nothing. Then stretchhhhhhhhhhh, get outside of my little box. God said that he doesn't always work the same way all the time and I shouldn't expect Him too. "Go sit and write!" I did. So the following is what came out. Then there's a follow up that I'll blog next.

"Dream bigger!!
You don't deserve what I have planned for you, but by grace I give it to you.
You need to shed some excess baggage in your life.
I want you to depend on Me only.
I want you to be desperate for Me.
Wait for My timing.
Don't rush to make plans for the things I have shown you.
You will not be the one doing them, but it will be Me working through you.
Be desperate for ME, be desperate for My love!
I want you, all ALL of you."

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