Friday, May 29, 2009

Simply simplify...

I was thinking last night about what it means to simplify your life. (That's what happens when you have a lot of energy and aren't ready to go to sleep). Of course for everyone it has a different meaning. But the way I see it, it's getting rid of, or purging, things out of your life you really don't need and really don't make you happy.

Granted not everyone is as content digging in the garden then then they are watching TV in the evening, but hey, maybe if more standard Americans tried gardening or reading, they might enjoy it more then the TV and find out that their life is better without it altogether. But they first have to take the step to end the addiction they have with the habit (like TV watching).

Do you really need that coffee and doughnut in the workroom, or the brownie at the potluck? You may want it. Does it bring joy to your life (it may....temporarily) Is your body better after you've eaten it? What would happen if we all only ate what made our bodies feel better, adding life and energy to it? Can you imagine?

After all our body is a machine, and we need to feed it only the best. Last winter I found out how much better my older vehicle runs on high quality Shell fuel rather then the cheap Arcco fuel. WOW! What a difference! Why should I not do the same with my body? It's a machine, and a living organism, and I want it to be running well for the next few decades.

I hope that in no way you think I'm just ranting about others around me and that I don't deal with these temptations. Ha, ha, ha... I hope you've found out that I blog for others as well as, or even maybe more so, for myself to help ME be accountable. I try my best to eat only RAW living foods, which excludes much of the grocery store. My temptation as of this week is the delicious dark covered chocolate pomegranates we bought last week and are sitting in our cupboard. The good thing is that with two people occasionally nibbling at the small bag, we haven't even eaten half yet. I think back to when I would have easily devoured the bag myself in one day.

So, take baby steps in the right direction.

-Make a goal for yourself and don't bite off more then you can chew (literally, but I also mean, don't take on to much at once).
Starting points : Diet; not watching TV; driving less; spending less; using your cloth bags at the store; cleaning out clutter in your house (start with one room). Check out more more information on decluttering and setting up a cleaning schedule. Wonderful stuff!

-Make a plan

-Remind yourself that no one is perfect (what the heck is perfect anyways) and stick to your plan. Maybe you need short, easier to attain goals, so make them. And remember that it takes practice and time to break a bad habit, especially like TV watching or sugar. Honestly I think cold turkey is the best way to go, so just unplug the TV and put it away in a closet somewhere, or, hmm, stop buying sugary things at the supermarket (buy fruit instead). Don't forget to add into your life yummy and/or fun alternatives. Family time, games, reading, going for an evening walk, etc.

-Enjoy life with less stuff around you; whether it's less material things, less weight hanging off you, less shampoo, less spending (which equals more savings), whatever it is, enjoy it, and spread your joy to others!

My kids will be going through their rooms this weekend and getting rid of toys they no longer play with/want, and clothes that don't fit.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Baking Soda Shampoo

Ok, it's been a little over a week of the kids and I using only baking soda and water for shampoo and rinsing with vinegar.

Last night was the best yet, Hailey got out of the bath and then brushed her own hair. She came outside to find me and said "Mama! I brushed my hair by myself and I had no tangles!" Really? far the best thing about the baking soda shampoo is that my daughter has no tangles and we don't have to "fight" with her hair anymore and have a battle about brushing it and who does it. If anyone has a little girl with long hair, then you know what I mean!!

My hair also has less tangles, although I didn't have a lot to begin with, it feels softer, is fuller, and more manageable. To me it over all just looks better. Plus it's not as greasy, so I can skip a day of not washing it.

The only drawback so far is the vinegar, or shall I say the smell of the vinegar. So I decided to not rinse with it this morning and well, my hair feels the same, so why use it if I don't need to?

Update on the baking soda toothpaste (I'm the only one using it so far):
I like it. I've had a little bit of gum bleeding, which I think is because of the scrubbing of the baking soda. So far so good, I can't see a logical reason to go back to regular toothpaste.

On the extreme end of things, some of you may want to stop reading at this point......
My new luna pad (cloth pad) is working great so far. I still use my diva cup as always.

I would really like to start using cloth wipes for the toilet....ummmmm more on that issue later.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Last weekends project

The grand shoe box, located in the laundry room on the south end of the house, soon to be the main entry (rather then into our tiny living room). Now all our shoes have a neat and tidy home and also room for hooks to hang our sweatshirts and hooks on the end for the kids to hang their backpacks.

Today I'm working on getting the laundry line put up. It's no easy task. It will be quite the laundry line when we're done, then I won't have to hang drying laundry on the garden fence anymore.

Pictures of the finished bathroom

The bathroom has been done for awhile now, but I don't think I ever posted finished pictures. So here it is!!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Weekend pictures

Garden Plot in the old goat pen

Garden Plot in the backyard. Behind the garage are the raspberries and then in the newly (but not finished) terraced hill are the blueberry bushes. And looking at the picture to the right of the treehouse are more raspberries. I can't wait until things are really growing and I can compare pictures. It all looks pretty lowly right now. But just wait, it will get growing.
The green tallish stuff in the middle of the plot is the chives and green onions.

Cowboy Will, in the same suit my mom made for my little brother, who is now 25. Posing with two new garage sale finds from last weekend. The stick horse, which they've been wanting for awhile; and Will bought the antique leather holster at one sale and the toy pistol at another garage sale. Since he's outgrown both his hat and boots, Will's on the look out for those items at a bargain price. They sure are good little shoppers.

Hailey, Brianna (neighbor friend), and Will in the backyard after raiding the dress up bin.

Friday, May 22, 2009

A test wash.

So I'm trying out a new shampoo recipe, so far Will and I have both used it and commented on the softness of our hair afterwards.

It's just baking soda mixed with a little water, use as Shampoo (I have found that you use a bit more then the amount you would use with your regular shampoo). I put it in an empty yougurt container.
Then I rinse with water, then I rinse with some vinegar (I didn't with Will's short hair). And then I rinse a little bit with water again.

I'll let you all know how it goes.

I'm still waiting to get all the ingredients to make the natural toothpaste my sister Melissa uses with her family. The recipe is on her blog. Free 2 Grow (link on to the right).

Baking Soda is wonderful and cheap!!

Have a great weekend all!!!!!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

What we have in the ground!

Sorry no pictures yet, but I'm sure after this weekend I'll have some.

Two different types of raspberries

acron squash
spagettii squash
swiss chard
bush beans
green onions

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Turning off the gas furnace

We officially turned off the pilot light on the furnace a true sign summer is coming!

I've been waiting for the day.

Last month we did an experiment and turned the thermostat down to about 60 F. We also shut off rooms that wern't being used by putting large magnet covers over the furnace vents. And low and behold our bill reduced about $80. Heck with a furnace. With that kind of savings I just might invest in some micro down jackets for us all to wear in the winter.

And on another subject, I had a wondreful birthday weekend. We went the the RAM in Tacoma on the waterfront on Saturday, and on Sunday a relaxing day at the beach at Ocean Shores.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Fighting back!!

Well, I took a day and a half off to rest and recuperate. My day was mostly sleeping, some crying, and lots of hugs.

I tried not to feel defeated, but it's hard when I've been feeling so great lately.

I was also able to think a lot about how to handle my work load, possible re-negotiations for the next school year, and thinking of ways to add rest into my schedule.

Today I'm feeling able and willing, but that's about it. I'm at work today, already my day has been filled with students who are pregnant, on parole (not probation, but parole), parents who are calling and wanting things (food, money, clothes, etc), students who don't have a warm place to stay tonight, and court dates for tomorrrow. And it's only 9:45AM. My hands still hurt, every joint in my body is creaking, and I'm a bit weak still. But I'm walking and I can write without feeling three sheets (or four) to the wind. So off I go for another day.......... I'm just glad it will be sunny later this week and I'm looking forward to my 29th birthday this weekend.

Oh, and I was teasing my little sister last weekend about book writting. Grandma has a book published, Dad is getting his published soon. Thoughts have been and still are rolling around about me writting a book about healing and living with fibromyalgia someday. I'll save it for a rainy day!!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Only temporary defeat!

I can explain more later, when I have time. was a fibro flare up. I finally addmitted it Friday evening. My friend came over and we were working on a sewing project. That evening at dinner I put my head down and didn't want to move. I got 14 hours of sleep friday night. I was tired but functioning and in pain all weekend. Now I'm trying to make it through my day.

I want to write more about stress and how is effects your body, but not now. It's hurts to type. My tendons feel like they have been tightened up and are about to pop like a broken guitar string.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

May 7th, 2009

I had a few groggy days in a row. My first thought is to run through the list of things it COULD be and figure out why I'm not feeling in tip-top shape.

Here is my list of thoughts that run through my head:

-Am I catching a cold?
-Is it the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome creeping it's way back in? (Which always then makes me mad and frustrated thinking about it, because it brings back bad memories of only a few short months ago when I wasn't functioning because of the fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue)
-Did I eat something I shouldn't have that wasn't RAW. It would be nice not to even have to ask myself that question, but hey, I go to meetings at the end of the day and often times they have really yummy snacks like croissants and hummus. But then I'm feeling very heavy and bloated afterwards.
-Or I'm I feeling groggy because my body is detoxing and it's just a detox symptom?

I always hope it's the last one I list, because that means I'm doing good for my body.

So how did I make it through yesterday? Well, coffee (which probably doesn't really help if I'm detoxing) but I needed to make it through my heck-tick day at work. And then I was able to relax and plant our new raspberry plants with the kids after work. And a day like that is always a good reminder to stick to eating yummy healthy, life giving, living RAW foods.

PS: Everyone at home, even the kids (OK William was a little picky, but he drank some) loved the spinach, banana, blueberry, coconut milk, flax seed and protein powder, smoothie I made this morning.

And I'm not nearly as tired today as I was yesterday.

10 days until my 29th birthday!!
Yikes almost 30!