Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Doctor appointment up-dates

Ok, so Monday was an appointment with the neurologist. After poking me with all sorts of things, asking an hour worth of questions, an reviewing my MRI results, the doctor officially ruled out Multiple Sclerosis. Yeah!!

Tuesday I went back to the rheumatologist to go over some more blood test results and to have a follow up. All my test results for other "diseases" came back negative and all my blood cell counts, auto immune deficiencies, etc, came back negative. Whooo, whooo!! I told him all I've been doing differently in the last week and the wonderful results I've had, and we decided that I won't have to come in unless things get bad again.

So, speaking of the different things I've been doing that have wonderfully turned things around so quickly, to the point where I've gone from not walking to wanting to run........ I became what some people term a raw foodist. Which means eating all raw and living foods only. Some might think it's a hard transition to make, but when you have the motivation of poor health and a body that's not functioning properly, then it's easy to make the life style change. When you get the results I've gotten, it will be hard to go back to a diet of cooked, lifeless, foods and vegetables.

The other change I've made, thanks to all the messengers Mom, Les, Dennis, Maggie, Tim, and Cozy in Raymond, is the introduction to Kangen water. Kangen water is a water with a higher pH (8.5-9.5), which makes it more alkaline and balances out your body's pH. After doing research I've learned that a SAD (Standard American Diet) and stress, induces your body to be more acidic. Within three days of drinking the water the cramps in my legs let up, my pain level lowered significantly, and my energy came back.

Because of my insomnia I started working on developing a good evening routine, I'll have to write more later on that subject. Who can pass up ideas for getting a better nights sleep? It helps your whole day go better.

Have a great week!

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