Friday, May 29, 2009

Simply simplify...

I was thinking last night about what it means to simplify your life. (That's what happens when you have a lot of energy and aren't ready to go to sleep). Of course for everyone it has a different meaning. But the way I see it, it's getting rid of, or purging, things out of your life you really don't need and really don't make you happy.

Granted not everyone is as content digging in the garden then then they are watching TV in the evening, but hey, maybe if more standard Americans tried gardening or reading, they might enjoy it more then the TV and find out that their life is better without it altogether. But they first have to take the step to end the addiction they have with the habit (like TV watching).

Do you really need that coffee and doughnut in the workroom, or the brownie at the potluck? You may want it. Does it bring joy to your life (it may....temporarily) Is your body better after you've eaten it? What would happen if we all only ate what made our bodies feel better, adding life and energy to it? Can you imagine?

After all our body is a machine, and we need to feed it only the best. Last winter I found out how much better my older vehicle runs on high quality Shell fuel rather then the cheap Arcco fuel. WOW! What a difference! Why should I not do the same with my body? It's a machine, and a living organism, and I want it to be running well for the next few decades.

I hope that in no way you think I'm just ranting about others around me and that I don't deal with these temptations. Ha, ha, ha... I hope you've found out that I blog for others as well as, or even maybe more so, for myself to help ME be accountable. I try my best to eat only RAW living foods, which excludes much of the grocery store. My temptation as of this week is the delicious dark covered chocolate pomegranates we bought last week and are sitting in our cupboard. The good thing is that with two people occasionally nibbling at the small bag, we haven't even eaten half yet. I think back to when I would have easily devoured the bag myself in one day.

So, take baby steps in the right direction.

-Make a goal for yourself and don't bite off more then you can chew (literally, but I also mean, don't take on to much at once).
Starting points : Diet; not watching TV; driving less; spending less; using your cloth bags at the store; cleaning out clutter in your house (start with one room). Check out more more information on decluttering and setting up a cleaning schedule. Wonderful stuff!

-Make a plan

-Remind yourself that no one is perfect (what the heck is perfect anyways) and stick to your plan. Maybe you need short, easier to attain goals, so make them. And remember that it takes practice and time to break a bad habit, especially like TV watching or sugar. Honestly I think cold turkey is the best way to go, so just unplug the TV and put it away in a closet somewhere, or, hmm, stop buying sugary things at the supermarket (buy fruit instead). Don't forget to add into your life yummy and/or fun alternatives. Family time, games, reading, going for an evening walk, etc.

-Enjoy life with less stuff around you; whether it's less material things, less weight hanging off you, less shampoo, less spending (which equals more savings), whatever it is, enjoy it, and spread your joy to others!

My kids will be going through their rooms this weekend and getting rid of toys they no longer play with/want, and clothes that don't fit.

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