Thursday, May 28, 2009

Baking Soda Shampoo

Ok, it's been a little over a week of the kids and I using only baking soda and water for shampoo and rinsing with vinegar.

Last night was the best yet, Hailey got out of the bath and then brushed her own hair. She came outside to find me and said "Mama! I brushed my hair by myself and I had no tangles!" Really? far the best thing about the baking soda shampoo is that my daughter has no tangles and we don't have to "fight" with her hair anymore and have a battle about brushing it and who does it. If anyone has a little girl with long hair, then you know what I mean!!

My hair also has less tangles, although I didn't have a lot to begin with, it feels softer, is fuller, and more manageable. To me it over all just looks better. Plus it's not as greasy, so I can skip a day of not washing it.

The only drawback so far is the vinegar, or shall I say the smell of the vinegar. So I decided to not rinse with it this morning and well, my hair feels the same, so why use it if I don't need to?

Update on the baking soda toothpaste (I'm the only one using it so far):
I like it. I've had a little bit of gum bleeding, which I think is because of the scrubbing of the baking soda. So far so good, I can't see a logical reason to go back to regular toothpaste.

On the extreme end of things, some of you may want to stop reading at this point......
My new luna pad (cloth pad) is working great so far. I still use my diva cup as always.

I would really like to start using cloth wipes for the toilet....ummmmm more on that issue later.

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