Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Weekend pictures

Garden Plot in the old goat pen

Garden Plot in the backyard. Behind the garage are the raspberries and then in the newly (but not finished) terraced hill are the blueberry bushes. And looking at the picture to the right of the treehouse are more raspberries. I can't wait until things are really growing and I can compare pictures. It all looks pretty lowly right now. But just wait, it will get growing.
The green tallish stuff in the middle of the plot is the chives and green onions.

Cowboy Will, in the same suit my mom made for my little brother, who is now 25. Posing with two new garage sale finds from last weekend. The stick horse, which they've been wanting for awhile; and Will bought the antique leather holster at one sale and the toy pistol at another garage sale. Since he's outgrown both his hat and boots, Will's on the look out for those items at a bargain price. They sure are good little shoppers.

Hailey, Brianna (neighbor friend), and Will in the backyard after raiding the dress up bin.

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