Wednesday, June 3, 2009

I miss my goats

Well let's see... what have we been working on.

The blueberry retaining walls are finally finished, the laundry line is finished, all the strawberries have a home in the ground, the two year old asparagus crowns are mostly all to the top of the trench so now they will be able to sprout up, the flower/veggie bed is all planted. I put kale, different types of squash, and artichoke in with the clematis, sweat peas, nasturtiums, poppies and daisies in the front flower bed.

In progress:
Making my bread (the dutch oven bread that won first place in the Mason County fair last year) for the office gals at Keith's work . Which they've been patiently waiting for.
Getting the door in place in the back room. Keeping the neighborhood cats out of the raspberry patch and garden, keeping the slugs from eating all our veggies.

Lately I've really been missing the ducks and goats. Not just because I now have to mow the yard and pick the slugs, but because I miss having them around to watch and visit with.

I had the goats since before I moved into the house I'm currently in (which has been 4 years) and I really took for granted all the work the goats did around the place. They really did earn their keep. Now my grass is out of control, all the fence lines are over grown and look messy, and the yard has an overall shabby look to it. The goats really did a great job of keeping things trimmed down and neat looking. And now we have to spend extra time out mowing, trimming, whacking, pulling, etc to do all the work the goats did naturally, and they provided free fertilizer. Well.... we'll be ready by next fall to get goats again.

And the ducks...they ate up those slugs like candy! Now I have a slug problem. I know the remedy, but I have to get ready for the chickens first, then we can get a few ducks.

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