Sunday, November 30, 2008


Thanksgiving went pretty well, it involved a lot of driving back and forth to Kingston for me, but that's alright. The kids were at their dad's house for the day so after Thanksgiving we headed back up to Kingston for the weekend. It was good to spend time with family and friends. Above is a picture with Hailey and Will with Grandpa Jay, and the other is the kids and I at our home.

I'm having issues with decision making now. I thought I had my mind set on selling and moving, but family is getting after me and I'm second guessing my decision, only a bit though. I need to pray more about it. It really brings to my attention how I'm different then my family in many ways, different then many average Americans in that case. I'm not willing to be a slave to a job, just so I can accumulate more things in life. There is sooooo much more to enjoy in life! Like spending time with family, friends, nature, helping out in the community, being a role model for others, and the list goes on.

A great quote I read in a book I'm reading called "Living Simply with Chlidren" by Marie Sherlock says

"the empty space you sometimes feel
can't be filled with 'stuff'.
Love, innternal peace, and compassion
are the only ways to fill it up."

Unfortunately some people don't understand that, and honestly they might not ever "get it". And still others will think you are odd, weird, crazy, etc, to think that way and to go against what the "world" or modern society says and does and keeping up with the Joneses. It's hard to stand against what the world says, and to be set apart. And often time it comes with scurtiny.

"Just wait" is all I have to say!

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