Sunday, June 28, 2009

Edible plants

The kids and I had quite a fun and busy weekend.

Saturday I had seven kids over playing all day. Of course I made them all play outside, I was busy painting the mudroom most of the day (pictures to come). We went through a lot of food and a box of band aids. The daily activities included trampoline, sprinkler, roller blading, skateboarding, nail painting, chalk drawings on the road, blanket playing, cars, dolls, tag, hide-and-seek, and the list goes on and on.

Sunday after church we came home and I planned on finishing the painting of the mudroom, but my plans were cut short as soon as I opened the "new" can of white paint and discovered it was actually neon green. Well, that wasn't going to work, and I didn't want to drive to the store, so we just changed directions.

Instead the kids decided they wanted matching shorts. So as I was busy sewing away, the kids were making necklaces and crafting with me down in the craft room. Luckily shorts are easy and go quickly. Then we were off to playing catch in the backyard, trampoline jumping, and then later in the evening packing up to get ready for Idaho. (Leaving on Tuesday evening) We're all excited to get away for a bit and get outdoors. Luckily we have great neighbors who will help water our garden.

The best part of our day was our research on wild edible plants, via YouTube, and the Internet. Then off we went to our backyard to discover what we could eat and try out some new greens. We tried dandelion, plantain, rose petal, and chickweed. I would really like to try eating stinging nettle, I've read some great information on the benefits of the stinging nettle tea or as a green in the blender with fruits. picking them is the fun part.

Off to bed for me now.

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