Tuesday, June 23, 2009

I was trying to be nice to others...but it wasn't nice to myself

Last Tuesday I had my Lion's Club officer installation. And since I was an up coming officer I had to attend. Usually two times a month we all meet and eat dinner together at the retirement home and then we have our meeting. I usually skip the dinner portion for a few reasons 1) I don't have an extra 30 minutes to spare 2) I don't like the food they serve (it's all cooked) and 3) it costs $8 and I'm cheap. Most of the members are retired and it's very fun for them to eat out and visit together.

Some of the members jokingly give me a hard time about not eating dinner with them. I normally just ignore it. But, for some odd reason I thought it would mean something to them and be more respectful if I were to eat with them on this "special occasion". So on Tuesday I went, brought Keith along, and we had dinner with the group and attended the installation ceremony. The food was pretty good, corn with spices, salad, canned fruit of some sort, rice and fish.

I did ok during the dinner, but didn't finish it all. The next day my stomach was very upset and didn't agree with me at all. Then........wait........hear it comes.............a fibro flare up. Imagine that. Did I say I enjoy torturing myself, some would thing I do because I ate the food. The next few days were spent in pain, sleeping when I could, being in a somewhat dazed and exhausted state, and unable to work on stuff around the house. Not much fun.

I've come to realize how important it is for my body to eat only good, preservative free, natural things. The things God intended us to consume, not some man made junk. I also realize that my body does ok with steamed fresh veggies, etc, but NOT canned store stuff that has chemicals and preservatives in it.

So 100% RAW I go again. I seem to slide between 75% and 100%. The corn chips taste so good, and then other things creep back in. But I always feel so much better at 100%. I'm just a sensitive soul I guess!!

For my readers:
Remember to always eat at least something RAW at every meal, and don't forget the kids. Buy grapes or seeds instead of chips. Large lettuce leaves instead of tortillas. Skip the cheese. Raw or at least freshly ground peanutbutter sandwhiches instead of meat and cheese.

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