Monday, December 7, 2009

minimizing and siplifying

Living simple should be simple right?

Then why is it so difficult? why do I always seem to have paper laying all over the place, toys all around, office stuff everywhere, homeschool supplies all over the place?
This really isn't how I want it to be!

More time to sit around together and work on projects, more time to sit and read together, more time to play games.
Less time cleaning, organizing, and putting things away.

Ok I'm going to spend a half an hour every morning de-cluttering, and getting organized.
I'm going to ask myself, do I need it? do I love it? Does it add value to my life?
If not, then it's gone!

What do I do with all the books?

By the way, I was up early this morning, I went and worked out, and I'm feeling good!!

1 comment:

melissa said...

the books question is a hard one for me. i have decided that if i can get it at the library i shouldn't have it on my shelf. But, if it is something with value for my family and I can't get it at the library, it stays! Otherwise I end up buying it again, and that is wasteful!!