Monday, December 14, 2009

Fruit of the Spirit with kids

The kids are working on a Fruit of the Spirit lesson for their Bible study at home. We decided to make a large tree in their bedroom and make the branches and trunk using crumpled up paper bags. As we do the lessons on each of the fruit of the spirit (Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness, and self control) we add leaves for the corresponding branch. Then if I catch the kids doing a kind, loving, etc deed, I give them a "fruit" (a circle sticker, the kind used to make prices at a garage sale) to put on the tree. As you can see, we've only done three branches so far.

Oh, and here is Hailey's up-do hairstyle. I'm practicing for the wedding. I lack some of the "girly" skills ! I was pretty happy how it turned out for my first attempt. I did mine also, but since I did my own, it didn't turn out as well. Not to mention I used most of the bobby pins on Hailey's hair.


melissa said...

Love the tree idea, I think we will do that after Christmas!! And Hailey's hair, oh my goodness, awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love it!! Can you do my hair like that?

HeatherMM said...

Yes, It's actually pretty easy. I think I can do all the girls' and lady's hair that way if you'd like. But since it's hard to do on myself, I think I'll go in and get my hair done. details, details.