Sunday, August 2, 2009

Pickles, pickles, pickles.......

We picked the first round of pickling cucumbers yesterday, they were a little plumper then we would like, but they still worked. Today we canned them up,making garlic dill pickles.

The set up

The posing pickles with some dill heads.

The process. The kids were in charge of the salt, sugar and garlic cloves. We had a good assembly line going.

Fun times! It's great the kids can help out now and enjoy it.

Me, in the process.

Taking their hot water bath.

The jars sitting and resting.
52 cucumbers made 16 quarts of pickles.
That was only the first round of picking, the vines are pretty heavy with new little cukes.
I figure in about a week or week and a half we'll be ready to can the next round.
Oh, and our total for the green beans so far is 10 quarts.
I think tomorrow I'll can up the remaining few cucumbers that didn't fit, and also some pickled mixed vegies.

1 comment:

melissa said...

i wish i was there to do this with you!!! Someday you'll have to teach me your canning skills, someday when i finally have a garden!