Monday, December 29, 2008

Stupid ME!!

The title pretty much sums it up, stupid me!! Why, oh why have I compromised on what I've been eating? I'm a bit mad at myself right now!
I know how my body responded so wonderfully to going RAW. I went from not walking to walking in a matter of a week after I went RAW. I have let the holidays, moving, and visiting friends and family become an excuse for me to slip off the diet. Well, I'm starting to pay for it! Last night was the clincher for me as I ate two pieces of bread (although yummy and homemade) and a small glass of milk. I was up a lot of the night itching all over my body and this morning I am in a lot of pain. Not the pain from shoveling the driveway or walking to much. Body pain that feels like my muscles are ripping away from my bones, and joint pain that makes me want to just curl up in a bath of hot water and cry. For those of you I told about naming my demon (fibromylagia) I named it the Ripper for good reason. Well, the Ripper is back and I need to give it a swift kick in the backside and keep it away.

For others going RAW and fudging here and there, it probably means an upset stomach for a day or so. But for someone who has fibro and fudges on what they eat, it means pain. Why oh why did I let myself slide? By the way I just dumped out what was left of my coffee!! Oh and that Chai Tea mix is sooooo good, but I'll have to stop that too.

Thanks Mom for the cook book with wheat/gluten, dairy, egg, and sugar free recipes. I'll be using it a lot.

Hailey is also having some issues we are trying to get to the bottom of, and she's going in today to get allergy tested for foods, so hopefully we can help her feel better and have less stomach pain. Poor thing!

Enough complaining for me! Back on the RAW bandwagon! My goal is 80% so it leaves some room for some cooked foods. But NO sugar, refined flours, meat (maybe a very small amount of wild game every once and awhile), canned foods with preservatives, etc.

Happy New Years to ALL!!

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