Monday, February 1, 2010

The food we eat!

Wow !
We house sat over the weekend and all I can say is, I'm glad we don't eat like most other Americans. There's a reason they call it the SAD diet. Standard American Diet. It was sort of an eye opening experience.

The family we were sitting for said we could eat food that was in the house. We each looked around the house to see what we could eat....umm....there wasn't anything. Luckily we had asked them to get us some fruit for the weekend. If being picky about what kinds of healthy food enter your body is spoiled, then I guess we're spoiled.

We looked in the pantry, all processed canned food, we looked in the fridge, again processed cheese, ugh, milk (we don't do milk), salad, oh maybe we would like that. We open it up to find iceberg lettuce with some old dried up radish type things in them, I guess that's how the store sells salad. Even the kids made a funny face at the cardboard, er, salad we had for dinner. And then I did one of those "steam in the bag" veggie mixed in the nucularizer (microwave). I felt so removed from the process it made me sad. Not to mention the limpish "steamed" veggies we ate.

I think once you grow your own food, you really can't go back to the store bought, processes, bagged stuff. I realized how proud I am of my family for eating well. And please don't think that we don't enjoy the occasional sweets and pies, in moderation of course. And we don't stress total elimination or deprivation of anything. No, my kids don't drink soda at home, but they are allowed to have some when/if we go out somewhere sometimes. I don't want them to turn into kids that go sneak soda and treats at friends' house because they are forbidden at home, just to feel a load of guilt about it later. We don't roll that way. I think the guilt would be worse for their health then the treat.

Happy eating!!!

Make wise choices...... as you pick up that food, and before it enters your mouth, ask yourself, "is this going to nurish my body?" If it's no, just lower your hand and drop the food.

Remember, if you feed your body junk, your going to feel like junk.


Adriana Vanbianchi said...

sneak junk food at friends house??? HMMM who do you know who did that???? ;)
Love, Adri

HeatherMM said...

Yes I was thinking about you when you were yunger!! You'd come to my house and eat junk and then feel terrible afterwards because your system wasn't used to it. It's all about ballence. :)