Monday, September 28, 2009

Shortening the TO-DO list

I'm just excited to tell everyone that something that has been on my to-do list for 4 years now, is finally finished.

The leaky roof is fixed!!
Ok, so it hasn't rained yet to make sure it's really fixed, but I think it is.

Fall is here, and it hasn't rained in awhile, so we seized the opportunity to get the roof leak patched up. The oh-so-well built roof has three different roofs coming together and it was leaking for who knows how long. The funny thing is that when I went up in the attic to see exactly where it was leaking, I found a few catching trays to catch water and interestingly enough, it was right where the leak was. Hmmmm? Who knows!

The 1935 house is more of a patchwork quilt of sorts.

Good thing the patch is not on the road side of the house, so other's won't see it.

One more thing to check off my list!!

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