Sunday, July 26, 2009

What's for dinner?

I don't know......go see what's growing in the garden!!

We had peas, salad, and swiss chard wth our dinner.
See what else is growing.

The volunteer squash in the corn patch

That's a seven year old's hand, not mine.

Giant beets


Look at those tomatoes! We had to add some extra support.

Hailey with more tomatoes, green beans behind her and the corn in the back, and of couse the sunflowers that keep on giving. We weeded a lot of them out, but I'm glad I left some.

The ducks are getting bigger and starting to lose their down.

And here's the coop aka "chicken mansion", almost done. I had to tell Keith to come in tonight when he couldn't see what he was doing anymore.

1 comment:

melissa said...

chicken mansion rocks!!!