Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Saving money is like going on a diet

As a soon to be bride, both subjects are close to my heart right now.

Really, they are very similar.
As we've been putting a lot of focus on our long term budget this week, it occurred to me that saving is like going on a diet. How?

Well. First you have to account for all that you spend..........and eat.

Then you notice where there's room for improvement on what you purchase.........and what you put into your body.

Next you need to examine how much you want to save.........make a goal, just like figuring out what your goal weight is.

Then you put together a reasonable budget.............or a food plan.

Next, that hardest part of it all, you need to diligently, every day, and every moment, examine what you spend.......or what you put into your body.

Is it quality? It is going to add to my life rather them take away from my life? Am I going to get long term (not short term) enjoyment from it?

We don't want to spend our money on junk, just like we don't want to put junk into our bodies, In both instances, all it does is weigh (ha, ha) you down and clutter your life. Is it necessary?

But to get long term great results, for both saving and dieting (reaching your goal weight, or staying healthy) you have to do it slow and steady. There is no short cut, no easy route, just patience and perseverance. You will thank yourself when you plan for your future retirement, as you will when you feel great and have a healthy body image.

Keep it up for the long haul.

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