Friday, January 15, 2010

Why don't I get to sleep on time?

Ok there are a few reasons.........

1)When my other half has to work nights all week and then sleeps all day and the rest of the family is home all day long, playing, homeschooling, cleaning, etc and "trying" to be quiet. Well, then for some odd reason I have to balance it out in the evening when "I" get quiet time, without having to shush anyone.

2) When I'm planning a wedding!! I have too many good ideas rolling around in my head, and research needs to be done!!!!

3) I've made a bad habit of staying up late and now my body is used to it.

4) I don't have the excuse that I need to get up early in the morning to workout, since I haven't been, since my wonderfulness isn't home to watch the kids at 6am when he does graveyard shift.

By the way, all of the excuses above are why I'm still not in bed.

I know how good sleep is for me.

Shift work is hard on the whole family when one person has to work it. There should be a rule that if they have a family with young children, they should be exempt from night shift.

Next week will be better! ;)

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