Saturday, January 9, 2010

"The Call to Brilliance" by Resa Steindel

I finished reading a good book called "The Call to Brilliance" by Resa Steindel.

It's about a teacher/mom/woman's journey in homeschooling her children and navigating the "system". It's a great story and a good read. Below I scanned and pasted in the last page of her book. I found it to be very inspiring and reminded me of why I started (although I'm not anymore) working within the public school system. As the Education Advocate for the school district it was my job to find out why kids weren't going to school and how to help the students, parents, and teachers, and principles to have better success in the school setting.

It was a difficult and hard quest, teachers are stuck between two very hard places, the state rules and their curriculum. Teachers have little to no time to build a relationship with the students and no room to be creative in the classrooms, let alone make learning fun and interesting. Unfortunately for too many schools it's about teaching the students to place higher on the standardized tests so the school can meet their AYP's (Annual Yearly Progress) and in return they can get more money. Well, guess what, that system doesn't teach kids anything, and most teachers don't like their jobs, but like their benefits.

Of course there are teachers out there who are trying to make a difference. And those should be highly praised in the school system, unfortunately they are not. they are instead looked at as being too invested into their students and "caring too much". It makes me sad.

I ruffled a lot of feather in my position as an education advocate, and yes, some teachers, principals, parents, and even a few superintendents started to get the bigger picture. But unfortunately my position was cut by budget cuts and now they all wish I was still there to support them all.

This is why I home school!
Sorry it's not very clear, I couldn't get it to scan into Word.

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