Wednesday, June 9, 2010


Since we've been back from our honeymoon, we thought life would slow down a bit. Well, we're still waiting. I guess it's all a choice really, but some things just have to be taken care of.
So what have we been doing in the last week and a half, you ask?

First off, hubby has had to work almost every day since we got home, including the weekend. When he did have Tuesday off, I had to do a bunch of work and then we made a made dash to finish unfinished errands, pick up left over stuff from the wedding, use some of our gift cards from the wedding (that part was wonderful, we have a pretty bed set now, comforter, etc) return un-used items from the wedding.
Thank you cards
the ducks hatched
two new goats
a strawberry box to finish (22' x 4' and 3 1/2 ' tall) not a little task
finance budgeting in order to transition onto one income
not to mention the normal stuff that has to be done, work , schooling, etc
Oh yes, oodles of name change forms, tax stuff, home titles, insurance, etc, etc, the list goes on...
the garden is finally growing well, as are the weeds
The lawn is also turning into a jungle.

Ok well, that's enough venting right now. I need to go get something more productive finished.

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